Oscillation of Oscillazioni (Oscillations). We linger over single gestures, fragments, micro-scores, short sequences. Video fragments which were filmed with hand-held camera: unstable and instantaneous. The scenic object is as alive as it is the presence behind the camera, its movements are rooted in the relationship with what it sees. It can be the gaze of a spectator, or a bite of our memory. Every tiny piece of video places us at close range with the scene, orients and disorients our gaze. We let it speak, and it generated analyses, testimonies, photographic associations, narratives, writings, memories, and archives to delve into.

What is DIARIO? A self-reflexive zone and a dialogic space, an extension of the practices that substantiate Teatri di Vetro and that guide us step by step. They are practices that are not required, not induced. Practices that arise from the complexity of the contemporary creation and from a communal and relational posture between curator and artists, and among curatorship, artists, and spectators. It is a movement of gazes that do not fly over, that do not respond instantly, but that linger, delving into the detail, into the single gesture.

The matter is the 17th edition of Teatri di Vetro and its invitation Don’t try to understand. Feel. Which stimulates the perception of the movement of scenic objects, and which transports the spectator’s presence into the polarity of a palindromic dynamic. Thus, DIARIO leads us inside the fibres of those scenic objects, of those textures, so that we can sharpen our senses in search of new words to tell this experience that is the scene.


DIARIO is the – deferred – 17th edition of Oscillazioni_Teatri di Vetro. The shows that were staged in December 2023 are its content. However, DIARIO does not show the whole performances, but ‘snippets’ of them. The emergence of a double, sometimes triple or quadruple investigation of each ‘snigget’ generated further reflections, hyperlinks, images, more videos, music and sound.

You can navigate through DIARIO as you wish.

Delve into a single fragment.

Linger over the fragments of a single performance.

Dive into the work of a single artist.

Move randomly around the different fragments looking for resonances and distances.

You can contribute to DIARIO by sending a proposal for publication. >>> write to us  at  promozione@triangoloscalenoteatro.it


DIARIO is financed by the fund TOCC – Transizione digitale organismi culturali e creativi.