The circuit is a path traced in space that shows us a possible route to follow. If the beginning and end coincide at the same point, the circuit is said to be closed and appears as a continuous flow, without forks or interruptions. It can be crossed several times without stopping, and with the help of an initial push it can also be traversed by inertia, as long as energy allows. The circuit is delimited by a perimeter that draws its contours and protects its boundaries, containing the elements within it. In order for the circuit to function, it is necessary for each component to behave according to the rules, in a coordinated and unidirectional manner, so as to avoid off path exits or accidents of various kinds. In this way, the circuit achieves its maximum effectiveness.
CIRCUITI is a workshop activity and is part of a larger project entitled OBEY, which investigates the dimension of the feminine and the concept of disobedience. The entire project branches off in different directions, each with its own thematic focus. In CIRCUITI we start from an idea of confined and linear energy, searching for openings and out-of-focus zones.