On stage, the notes of an encounter between the life and works of Iranian poet Forugh Farrokhzad and the personal memories of the artists involved. In between, theater acts as a space where to weave and unravel a tapestry of resonances, sounds, and memories, crossing through different geographies, languages, and time planes. The condition of disorientation, the existential and real exile caused by the violence of social, economic, familial, cultural, religious, and gender constraints, which makes one feel homeless and thus bodiless, like birds trapped in a cage, all of it resonates in Forugh’s works and her story of rebellion and search for freedom. Through readings, music, and images, we put on stage the first notes of our personal portrait of Forugh, the first steps of our new project “Io parlo dai confini della notte”, a journey in search of a deep dwelling within oneself, and outside oneself, as an active part of society. “I set off alone. Like a child lost in a forest. I headed in every direction to fix my gaze on everything and let everything capture me, until I arrived at a spring where I could find not only myself but also all the experiences of the forest.”
I will plant my hands in the garden
I will thrive, I know, I know,
and swallows will lay their eggs
in the folds of my fingers
stained with ink.
I will stick on my nails
two dahlia petals
and hang on my lobes
two red earrings
of two red twin cherries.
Forugh Farrokhzad