[…] it is something not uttered, graphically it is an enclosed place. KZ is a contraction of Konzentrationslager.
I listen to the voices of people who were deported to Nazi death camps. I listen to the background noise of audio cassettes recorded in the last century, the crackle, the gaps, the holes. From time to time voices become distant, I cannot understand them. It seems to me that these are the most important moments, the moments when the rawness of the narrative becomes harder to hear, almost impossible to say, as if a form of modesty forces the interviewees to lower their voices.
Then, gaps and holes become the red thread of my research. I slip into these holes, looking for the bottom, trying to understand the state of these bodies. I take these holes and bring them in, I make them a place for the body to stagnate. I push my nails into the cracks, I wait for the earth to slip under my nails, but it is only ash. I will not understand in the end, I know. I remain in the mist of an attempt. I lean on my body, on my dance, and on a dance solo whose unspeakable title makes you shudder.
[…] KZ is part of the ELP | RECLUSE BODIES project