A study on laughing, crying, and on the instability of body states related to and included between these two opposites.
An iconographic, vocal, and dance research on the antinomic pair Laughter/Crying.
We let some questions pass through our bodies during the I_SCREAM workshop: are Laughter and Crying in opposition? Where can these states be located on a bodily, mental, and emotional level? Where do we find elements of analogy between these two apexes? How do such related body states generate dance, and how can they do it?
The change of state was the backbone of the work shared in the practice room. The assumed stability of presence was accurately observed so as to stress the wavering of such certainty.
Some of the practices developed for and related to the performance ICE_CREAM โ based on the dichotomy laughing/crying, and on the area of transition between these two states โ, were shared: the ambiguity which permeates the fusion into each other, the dramatic or ironic change of meaning between these two opposites.
The presence of Fiora Blasi also enriched the research through her Clown skills, which met and nurtured Ranieriโs poetics.