FÀTICO (phatic) is a choreographic and musical project in which song and dance set the rhythm for three orations. On stage, there are two performers equipped with a microphone in contact with the skin, serving as an extension of the body and acting as the trigger point for the quasi-physical relationship with the spectators, made possible by the vocal act. Here, singing is not an act of spontaneity; it is the result of a modification, integration, and enhancement of the encyclopedia of this corporeality. In the words that mark the timing of the choreography, references to nature and the senses give way to memories in their mental space before dissolving into the words of worship. By proceeding through connections and collisions between sonic and choreographic elements, a secular discourse on sacredness emerges, inviting the audience to engage with the phatic: listen!
This show is called Fàtico.
It is a time of splendor, a time dressed in silk.
A precious stone with no mouth.
It is the amulet you wanted to throw away but then put back in your pocket.
Fàtico is superabundance.
It is a shower of stars on a night of waiting.
Fàtico is a difficult word, a word that says no more.
It is the speech that flashes instead of speaking.
It is a point of light, a pendant on the forehead,
a beacon that lights up and burns.
Fàtico is a dance that is a spell,
a witch exhausted after preparing a remedy for you.
It is a trampoline, a magic formula that allows you to jump.
It is not from nowhere, it is the summit reached after a long climb.
The sight of the stars now that you have learned how to look.
This show is a song, the voice that persists.
The refrain murmured in the field when your hands are still dirty from working.
Fàtico is not just time passing; it is medicine.
The potion that exalts and condemns life.
To reinvent descent and legitimacy.
Because one step was missing.
Fàtico is a rope, a prosthesis, an act,
a power that cannot be exploited.
That distance in which one is never touched, but almost.